Bound for Disney? DisneyBound!

It’s pretty well established that kids of all ages enjoy going to Disney World. From age 2 and their first sight of the castle, over to the first time they’re tall enough to ride a roller coaster, all the way through to the age of not being allowed to dress up in costumes in the parks. This covers a wide age range, from 14 to 150 years young.

Rock on!

Enter Leslie Kay and DisneyBounding.

[DisneyBounding] is a subtle way to dress as your favorite character without being in costume while sporting your own personal style – whatever that may be.

Leslie Kay
@thedisneybound on Instagram

While Leslie is not necessarily the creator of the idea of relating everyday clothing to characters, she did coin the term “DisneyBounding” with a simple blog post where she was literally bound for Disney World and of course, very excited.  To help show her excitement, she put together an outfit based on how she imagined an everyday Rapunzel would look… and the rest was history.

DisneyBounding is even recognized by the Disney company as THE trend to be on. Disney creates vintage style dresses based on character themes at Tren-D in Disney Springs, hosted a DisneyBound Peter Pan parade in 2018, and encourages guests to DisneyBound as their favorite Star Wars characters while visiting Batuu at Galaxy’s Edge!

There are many different ways to DisneyBound; you can be as subtle or as bold as you would like. Leslie even gives outfit suggestions on her Instagram several times a week, as well as sharing favorite looks from her followers.

Accessories are a great way to show off your character’s spirit and style. Something small, such as a pin, gives that extra spark and shows your love for the character. Finding accessories (or making them!) to complete your look can be a fun adventure to fit your vision.

Time for something sweet!
Heigh ho!

Using props, such as plushes, shaped purses, or an item belonging to the character, gives that extra level of realism. And if you get the chance to visit that character, they really love your enthusiasm!

Sea salt ice cream? Where?
It won’t cost much…just your voice!

Don’t forget to use your surroundings for photos, especially when Bounding in the parks! What better place for a fairy than a mural of tall wildflowers? Snow White is right at home by the seven dwarves’ cottage, and the Kingdom of Morocco in Epcot is the perfect setting for sharing a whole new world. Fun fact: Boys can DisneyBound too!

Do you trust me?

My personal preference is to DisneyBound as more obscure characters. (1977’s Pete’s Dragon, anyone?) They are often my favorites. But who said only characters could be inspiring? If pineapple Dole whip inspires, grab a yellow outfit, a pineapple necklace and a paper umbrella for your hair. If you are feeling all whirly and twirly, maybe you’re a teacup for the day! I have been a door, a bridge of marigolds, and a donut.

There is more time than life.

Comfort-it’s a thing. A very important thing in the World of Disney. If this is your first time DisneyBounding in the parks, maybe don’t reach for the high heels and hair spray just yet. The most important part of DisneyBounding is to let your own light shine through.

You are not becoming the character-the character is becoming you.

And that character has never looked more fabulous, whether you’re out for a morning walk, meeting the main Mouse himself (as himself, the early years!), or getting archery tips from Merida.

Don’t just fly…Soar!
circa 1928
I’ll be shootin’ for my own hand!

Twice a year in the parks, there are wonderful, magical, beautiful occasions called Dapper Days. I’ll talk more about those in a future post. During these days, fashionistas make their way to the parks in vintage style clothing. And when DisneyBounding meets vintage, some truly spectacular looks happen that would have Edna Mode furiously scribbling notes.

#RockTheDots °o°
Sing with all the voices of the mountain…
I’ll turn him into a flea…

Remember, DisneyBounding is not an art that is limited to the parks. You can do it from home with items from your very own closet!

There are always excellent reasons to DisneyBound.

1. A double date.
2. Girls’ night out.
3. Fully immersing yourself in a book.
4. You’re secretly a lost princess.
5. You’re feeling cute, might take over the galaxy later, IDK.

*shrug* Your DisneyBound. Your reasons. Your style.

Happy DisneyBounding! °o°

Facebook: Disneybound & Disneybounders Unite!
Instagram: thedisneybound

3 thoughts on “Bound for Disney? DisneyBound!

  1. Not sure when we’ll get a chance to head back that way, but when we do I’d love to try a Mulan DisneyBound outfit!


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