The Return to WDW – Disney Springs edition

I’m back! Welcome to Covid-topia, your ultimate almost-post-pandemic-but-not-quite summer getaway theme park experience! No water slides yet, sorry. WDW kicked off their re-opening with a few key places (ie: Blaze Pizza) coming back to life and giving us a taste … Continue reading The Return to WDW – Disney Springs edition

The White Glove Standards of Manners at WDW

There are some things just recognized as good manners. Saying “Please” and “Thank you”. Holding doors open for other people. Cleaning up after yourself in someone else’s home. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (That’s the … Continue reading The White Glove Standards of Manners at WDW

Bingo In WDW

Print these out, save them to your phone, use them as a springboard for your own ideas…whatever you like! I hope they’re as much fun to complete as they were for me to create. (Fun fact: I love crafting and being creative. I could write a blog on all of my craft drops/giveaways I’ve done. Hmm…🤔…To be continued…) Magic Kingdom Epcot Animal Kingdom Hollywood Studios Continue reading Bingo In WDW

Pineapple Dole Whip! (And Other Fantastical Whipped Ice Cream)

🎶”Welcome to our tropical hideaway, you lucky people you!”🦜🎶 What do you think of when you hear the word “tropical”? The beach, hibiscus flowers, fancy drinks with the little umbrellas… One of my favorite tropical treats at DisneyWorld (in case … Continue reading Pineapple Dole Whip! (And Other Fantastical Whipped Ice Cream)